If you do not find your question here please email us at support@sizeflo.com.
How to request a new account, activate an account and recover a lost passsword or delete your account.
Added: 2020/11/03
How to size a valve on a Cv, Pres Drop or FL Rate calculation, how to override the suggest size and trim.
Added: 2020/11/03
How to size an actuator, commonly used actuator settings for pneumatic and hydraulic configurations.
Added: 2020/11/03
How to share a valve, how to accept shared valve items, how to save a shared valve into your profile.
Added: 2020/11/03
Welcome to SizeFlo, the purpose of this website is to help you select the right choke within our
wide range of products to suit your projects needs. In order to begin you will first have to
create an account.
You can do this be accessing the home page and selecting the create account link below the login
box. Be sure to
check your spam inbox as the confirmation email you recieve may end up there. You will be
provided with an email
activation link that will require you to press the 'Verify' button in order to complete the
account request process.
After this it may take a few days for a SizeFlo administrator to determine if you are eligible
for an account approval,
if you are you will recieve an email saying your account has been activated and SizeFlo is now
ready for use.
After you have logged in a tutorial window will appear prompting you to being sizing your first
valve, we reccommend
that you follow the tutorial to get a basic handle on how to use the various features of the
website, the tutorial will
cover creating a valve, calculating a choke application, viewing the Cv graphs, changing the
choke sizes as well as Printing
a PDF report. More tutorials to help new users famliarize themselves with the features of the
website will continued to be
added in future releases.
The basic structure of the website follows a specific heirarchy. Starting at the bottom and
working our way up in organizational
encapsulation we have:
When sizing a valve you will need to make sure of certain conditions:
In the calculation results pane, at the bottom right you can select the Print button to bring up the print results pane. Here you can choose which cases you which to print, or select all. Additionally the Actuator Sizing calculation pane also offers the option to print your results.